Fruit of the Spirit Rev. Peter Jemphery Fruit of the Spirit Rev. Peter Jemphery

The Fruit of the Spirit Pt.5: Kindness

In your day to day activities and relationships, is God's kindness shining through you to others? Do people see something of the kindness of God by how you treat them and talk with them? If you have truly experienced God's grace in your life, an inward transformation will be taking place within you and this will be seen outwardly in how you serve others with kindness.

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Stephen Fallows Stephen Fallows

When the Wicked Prosper

Psalm 37 was been given to us to teach us how to think and act when we see the wicked prospering while the righteous are in disgrace and adversity. How do we reconcile these two things in our minds? We can easily get sucked into a downward spiral of doubt, resentment and discouragement. But this Psalm can give us much understanding and encouragement in such times.

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Fruit of the Spirit Rev. Peter Jemphery Fruit of the Spirit Rev. Peter Jemphery

The Fruit of the Spirit Pt.4: Patience

We live in an age described as ‘the now generation’ (Alvin Toffler). Everyone seems to want everything ‘now’. We've instant coffee, fast food, entertainment at the press of our fingertips, millions buying goods on credit that they can’t afford, sports teams expecting instant success from their managers, and many seeking gratification before the commitment and covenant of marriage.

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